Component 3

This third Component of the KEP is coordinated and implemented by the Directorate for the Management of National Parks (DMNP) within the Kosovo Environmental Protection Agency (KEPA) with the following expected outputs and related activities.

1. Development of the

Management plan for National Park “Bjeshkët e Nemuna” and regulation plans for third zones for two National Parks.

The related tasks are:

Engagement and cooperation with local communities, including women and youth, to define National Park zoning plan and protection regimes.
Conduction of fieldwork to assess the biodiversity, landscapes and historical sites within the national parks for inventory developing purposes.
Conduction of fieldwork to assess natural resources use and management, where roles, responsibilities, and knowledge of persons living in the parks, including both women and men, will be considered.
Drafting a Management Plan for National Park “Bjeshkët e Nemeuna” under broad consultation and participation of local communities, encouraging women and youth participation.
Drafting 4 Regulation Plans for third zones for both National Parks, two for National Park “Sharr” and two for National Park “Bjeshkët e Nemuna”, in consultation with local communities.

2. Strengthening the capacities of the National Park

Directorates to manage the natural resources.

The related tasks are:

Assistance to KEPA in organising a total of about 20 workshops, trainings and seminars aiming at enhancing the capacities of the two National Park directorates to manage the parks, and to develop National Park Management Plan for “Bjeshkët e Nemuna” and Regulation Plans. In addition to technical topics, social, gender and entrepreneurial topics will be part of the training programmes.
Development of plans for regular maintenance of the park’s landscapes, ecosystems, habitats and species and historical sites
Assistance to MESP/KEPA in developing a strategy for establishing operational national park information centres; design of touristic and recreational sites; mapping of access roads and facilities; production of manuals, touristic guides, leaflets and brochures; and production and instalment of signs informing visitors of natural values and the natural protection zones. Procure services for carrying out these services.
Conduction of an analysis of the National Parks’ potential for socio-economic development and for developing businesses that could employ and promote best environmental practices.
Assistance to MESP in preparing a preliminary plan for organisation of fairs and promotion of traditional product brands.
Procurement to the organisation of awareness campaigns for preservation of natural values, biodiversity and promotion of cultural heritage.

3. Enhancing the Transboundary

cooperation and coordination for nature conservation and sustainable use of resources.

The related tasks are:

Assessment of pressures and impacts of human activities on landscape, biodiversity, historical and cultural heritage, incl. impact of climate change, invasive species, hazardous substances, air & water quality
Development of the plan and programme of measures to protect and/or restore natural ecosystems, habitats and species
Organisation of a study tour to neighbouring countries for experience sharing on the management of transboundary protected areas, and to support development of transboundary initiatives with neighbouring countries.